Lingam massage London
Light pleasure
It is actually impossible that, during an adult massage therapy, this technique will not be used. Our lingam massage London therapists will certainly blow your mind, making you feel for the first time what pleasure really is.
Usually a part of more holistic massages, such as the nuru massage or the tantric massage, the lingam massage presumes the careful and attentive therapy concentrated on the client’s genital area. In Sanskrit, lingam literally means “wand of light”, “vessel of light”, and while some might giggle when finding out about this meaning, it is actually quite logical – the lingam is not where the light resides, but a mere channel through which the light passes.
Of course, as with other techniques, the lingam massage London session resumes several steps, which have the purpose of making the client feel comfortable in the hands of the therapist. So each time a client enters the massage room he will be greeted with a smile and a glass of red wine by the therapist.
Lingam massage in London
As the two people are having a conversation, the masseuse will excuse herself in the most inviting way in order to take a shower. Of course, the client is to follow her. Hygiene is not the most important reason for which a lingam massage in London session presumes a shower, but it does count. The real reason for which the masseuse and the client will share an intimate time is to get them as close as possible, make them get acquainted with each other’s body.
Without being annoyed by the presence of the clothes, the two of them will enter the massage room, where he will be laid facing up, with the masseuse standing right beside him. Now the massage session can commence, when both of them are relaxed and cleansed of all prejudice.
The lingam massage London presumes three steps: the massage of the penis, the massage of the testicles, and the external massage of the prostate, also known as the perineum massage. These three steps will not take place one after another, but concomitantly. Our lingam massage London therapists are indeed professionals and they will know to handle the situation.
London lingam massage
As far as the perineum massage goes, this step might seem a little unmanly to some of the clients. Leaving aside the fact that this type of massage will surely help with any health issues, preventing other also, the perineum massage will open the door to other hidden pleasures, much more intense than those felt usually.
There are several techniques through which the penis can be massaged by the therapist. All of these techniques imply orgasm, some of the clients having several of them per session. However, this is only a step in the process – the therapist knows many tricks through which the client will be averted from having an orgasm. Again, if this might seem a little unmanly, the client will realize in the end that the pleasure builds up and will only be released when it will certainly blow him away.
As it is, intimate touching comes with the territory. However, there is no actual intercourse or any other kind of sexual activity aimed only at pleasing the body. The lingam massage in London is aimed at the full relaxation of both the body and the spirit. After the final orgasm, the client will realize why the therapist prevented him from coming too soon.
Everybody leaves happy from our professional salon. Come at us and see for yourself.