Tantric Massage London
Can help re-energise your sexual life
If you are an individual or a couple who want to re-energise your sex life, you must try out tantric massage London. Like any other massage therapy tantra massage is greatly relaxing, rejuvenating and can help you overcome several obstacles that may be preventing you from enjoying your sexual life to the fullest. There are many times, when sexual energies get pent up because of some negative experiences that one may have gone through, or may just be a result of excessive stress. If you have similar issues, it is time for you try out tantric massage London.
London tantric massage
Ancient origins
The art of sensual massage originates in ancient Hindu philosophy that is many thousand years old. The goal of a erotic massage is to utilise the body’s sexual energies to maintain perfect equilibrium and balance. The art of sexy massage is sacred and holds the male and the female sexual organs in high esteem. Ancient tantra philosophy states that for the universe to be in perfect harmony, it is necessary for the male and female energies to be in total equilibrium.
At the outset it must be made clear that tantra massage is not an invitation for some erotic activity. When you opt for tantric massage London, you can be assured that you will receive excellent service that will help you rejuvenate your passionate self, but if you make undue advances towards your London escorts therapist, your massage will be stopped immediately, although you will have to cough up the charges for the entire session.
Therefore before you even consider tantric erotic massage ensure that you are going in with the right intentions. If you trust yourself in the hands of a expert tantric massage London, you can be assured this will be an experience of a lifetime. An experienced tantra massage therapist is likely to invite you for a chat session, before your actual massage begins. Your therapists are extremely compassionate people who will treat you like a friend. You can trust them with your innermost secrets and discuss the problems that you may be facing in your sex life.
There is nothing to be ashamed of, when you opt for a tantric massage London. This is a form of massage like any other, and the therapist who is providing the massage will ensure that you are totally comfortable and relaxed before he or she touches any of your private parts. Although you can specify whether you want a male or a female therapist for a tantra massage, it really doesn’t matter all that much because an experienced therapist, irrespective of gender is most capable of providing excellent service.
Tantric massage in London W1, W2
Balance of energies
Tantric sensual massage seeks to restore balance within the body, mind and soul, so there will be the use of essential oils, furs, feathers, silken material to enhance the sense of touch in your bosy. Aromas and soothing music are an essential part of any tantra massage session. There will be flowers and scented candles and relaxing music playing softly in the massage chamber. All of these are put in place to heighten your senses so that your body responds to every move of your London tantric massage therapist.
The tantric sexy massage involves the freeing up of energies and bringing back perfect balance within the several chakras in your body. The sexual energies are pent up in the sacral chakra are freed up as a result of a good tantra massage and brings out all the pent up emotions that may have been causing unknown blockages. As a result of sensual massage one may feel very overwhelmed and emotional as the blockages are removed by the healing touch of a therapist.
Do not hold back any emotion after your session. It is healthy to express your emotion to your therapist and you can be assured that your secrets will never ever leave the massage room. A climax may occur during a session of erotic massage, but that is not the intention. In fact those who do not experience a climactic end are likely to get better benefits from a session of tantra massage.
Tantric massage London thanks to the very many therapists who provide excellent services, has become popular. There are many individuals who have benefitted from tantra massage. So if you have been facing any sort of sexual issues, maybe it is time for you to consider a session of tantric erotic massage.
Esquires Sensual Massage Parlour is a sensual oasis in the hard urban sprawl of inner city life.