Massage Queensway W2
Relieve the tension
While at a glance it might seem easy to perform, only at our Queensway massage center you will understand what intimacy really is. If the most common understanding of intimacy always presumes a contact with a sexual nature, our therapists know better: there can be no intimacy and relaxation without closeness, a communion between two or more people which could break all the barriers laid-down by the society.
This misconception about what intimacy is may be the most important reason of why people will look and point their finger at you when visiting us. They misconception will certainly lead them to believe that our services are not aimed at relieving the physical and psychological tension, but that they have another nature. These people are not to be blamed, however, because this is what today’s society is all about – closeness between people has become a taboo, unless it is recognized as being beneficial to the society as a whole.
Queensway Massage
A tantric massage Queensway session will always begin with the two people getting to know each other, through a conversation over a glass of red wine. The dim light coming from the scented candles and the soft music playing in the background will also help create a relaxing atmosphere. While it may seem that this initial conversation is only aimed at finding out which are the regions of the body that need more attention, it also allows a special bonding between the two people to be formed.
This bond will be tightening up in the next half an hour, when the masseuse and the client will be sharing a shower or a bubble bath. The closeness between the two bodies will further draw in the two spirits, making the client comfortable with the presence of a beautiful and naked woman.
Of course, it is implied that this special kind of massage will be performed without the restraints of any clothes.
Tantric Massage Queensway W2
Another important part of this therapy is letting the client see all that is happening, all the moves the masseuse makes, whether we are talking about the movements of her entire body, or the movements of her hands. Either way, the client needs to look at the therapist just like the therapist needs to look at his client. This will further solidify their communion. Also, while watching her client during the tantric massage Queensway session, the therapist will be able to see which regions of the body she should focus more.
It isn’t unusual for sexual contacts to be achieved during these kinds of therapies. However, they will only be superficial, without any sexual intercourse occurring. Also, the client should always wait for the masseuse to initiate these contacts, and he never is to force himself on her. He should rest assured – besides the usual benefits of a regular massage session, he will leave completely satisfied.
The intimate massage also resumes what people usually call a “happy-ending”. Whether this will be achieved by hand or orally remains to the masseuse’s choice. Complete satisfaction and a relieve of the sexual tension awaits at the end of it.
After the client has climaxed, he will be covered with a soft sheet and watched upon by the masseuse. It will be very comforting for the client to know that in the complete silence there is peace, a peace offered by a beautiful woman keeping watch over him.
Only at our Queensway massage center you can find out what it really feels to be close to someone you didn’t believe to know.